Tuesday, October 23, 2012


 I am fighting back tears of frustration right now and it is taking EVERYTHING w/in me not to post my rant right now.... But I promised Chris that I wouldn't so I won't....

But I will say this

We are 2 days away from our 2nd proposed closing date 10/25... 2 weeks after what was supposed to be our date of 10/11. We still HAVE NOT HEARD BACK FROM NVR W/ A CLEAR TO CLOSE OR A CONFIRMED CLOSING DATE as of yet.... you have had 2 extra weeks wtf is going on?!?!?!?!


  1. omg, i hate that. our finance team was so lax & disorganized it was ridic. just call them everyday, send 1000 more emails...on the survey revenge will be sweet.

  2. Oh how frustrating!! I hope it gets sorted out soon and you finally get a confirmed closing date!

  3. I've been following your blog. I hope they get this mess cleaned up ASAP.

  4. I feel terrible for you. I really think that the mortgage people don't understand that what they do everyday has a significant effect on other's lives. If they drop the ball, we are the ones affected. Actually, because of this post, I sent my NVR mortgage lady an email to confirm that she is on track with our loan. We are supposed to close the week after Thanksgiving and I keep getting this feeling in my gut that someone over there is going to forget something and with the holiday, we will get screwed. I REALLY HOPE YOUR PEOPLE FIX THE MESS AND GET YOU CLOSED ASAP!

  5. we were 21 days late and didn't get the clear to close until noon the day before we actually closed. it was a horrible experience. i wouldn't wish it on anyone. remember, ryan homes and nvr both want to get you in that house regardless of whatever issue is going on because. they have too much $$$ riding on it. hang in there! once you have the keys it will still be worth it.

  6. I cant wait to see what happened today?? Tell me some good news! No news is good news and you havent posted yet...maybe too busy in your new home??
