Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our Patch of Dirt is Now a Hole!

When we originally signed the contract and got the sold sign we took a picture and one of my friends was like congratulations on your...patch of dirt ?!?.. Well now our patch of dirt is a mighty hole yay!!!


  1. Savor the moment--enjoy your dirt, hole, wood, framing...all of it! Soon it will all be a blur as the progress of your home goes by fast. I was excited to see my hole in the ground, even when everyone else thought I was crazy! It's your piece of land on this Earth--enjoy every inch of it!

  2. Congratulations on finally breaking ground! Is step just keeps getting better and more exciting.

  3. It's so exciting to see it finally started, go by like the stalkers we are to check on progress. Enjoy!

  4. Congrats on moving to another step in the process!

  5. It's been a long time coming! Finally! Let the show begin!
