Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week 4- Pre-Drywall Meeting

We had our pre-drywall today and it went pretty smoothly. There were only a few questions that we had and our PM did a great job of answering them and making us feel comfortable with everything.  There were a few things for our PM's drywall punch out list  but nothing too major.

In no particular order

 Looking into the morning room
 Looking into the family room
 Chris and our PM Scott standing in the hall way by the powder room
 Hot Water Heater

 Looking into the soon to be finished area of the basement
 Three piece rough in for the basement bathroom

What we call the  "Squnity window room" Largest guest bedroom

 Master Bedroom
 Master closet

 Us hamming it up for a picture for my mom =-)
The picture is crooked not the house lol

ETA* - I forgot to add that our PM said we should be looking to close between Oct 11th-15th woo hoo!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Week 3- We Have Been Framed!!!

Yay!!! Our neighbors told us that when they left for work on Wednesday we only had foundation and when they came back from work we had a house!  Our PM sent us these pics yesterday afternoon.

We went down after work and this is what we saw:

  That is the single welled exit, it is on the opposite side of the exit for the morning room 

   Unfortunately we also saw this crack in the foundation... We are hoping it is not as bad as it looks but we will talk to our PM about it next week at the Pre-Drwall Meeting

Pre-Drywall next week.. wow this is going by as quickly as you all have said it would!

Monday, August 6, 2012

What A Difference A Day ( and a half) Makes

We stopped by the house on Sat and this is what we saw

Our PM just sent an e-mail and this is where we are today

We are guessing that by Saturday when we go down to the house again we will be at least partially framed if not more.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our Patch of Dirt is Now a Hole!

When we originally signed the contract and got the sold sign we took a picture and one of my friends was like congratulations on your...patch of dirt ?!?.. Well now our patch of dirt is a mighty hole yay!!!